Barnes Student Loan Program
Raeburn E. Barnes
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What is the Raeburn E. Barnes Trust 
Student Loan Program?
The will of Raeburn E. Barnes established a loan fund with the purpose of providing loans to worthy and deserving persons who wish to acquire an education beyond high school.  Under present policy, residents of Shelby County, Ohio or residents of a Shelby County, Ohio School District are eligible to apply (special circumstances may allow loans for applicants residing outside of Shelby County.)
The Trust has a long-standing commitment — to ensure qualified students have the opportunity to obtain additional schooling.  Since its establishment in 1983, the Trust has assisted more than 1,617 students throughout Shelby County to meet the rising costs of education.
The Trust has placed the program information on the Internet as a public service, making it easier for students to apply for a loan.  E-Mail submission of loan application/re-application forms is not possible since the applicant’s signature is required on each.  However, you can print out the form(s), then file with one of the three administrators for processing.  You will find everything you need on this web site.      So let’s get started!  Click on ‘Barnes Legacy’ to learn about the Barnes family or ‘Program Info’ to read details of the loan procedure.

The Raeburn E. Barnes Trustees are:
   Thomas Watkins
   Stanley R. Evans
   Norman P. Smith
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Last updated 04-Sep-'24