David Noble
Spouse: Mary Anne
City: Indianapolis, IN
Address & Telephone: Available to classmates on request.
E-Mail Address: davelaserm@aol.com
Occupation: Manager-Laser Graphics Midwest; Business Forms Consultant
Children: Mollie, 16, Meredith, 13, Mary Emily, 11.

1. Completed 5 year bible study fellowship course.

2. Served on Alumni board of Delta Upsilon fraternity and built new "high-tech" house on Purdue Campus.

3. Auditioned for and made Indianapolis Symphonic Chorus. We sing with the symphony some 20 times/year.

4. Have added several rare cups to a growing Victorian mustache cup collection started by my dad.

5. Actually took 7 vacation days last 5 years.

6. Have enjoyed regular treks back to St. Marys to help mom spruce up the farm, add a deck, get homesick all over again.

7. Managed to secure 10 tickets to Brickyard 400 NASCAR race in Indy.

8. We continue to actively work with disabled and mentally handicapped young people. Our 16 year old first born, Mollie, has Downs Syndrome and has continued to be our inspiration for years. Any brashness or egotism I may have had at one time is long gone. We continue to find ourselves very blessed as a strong family and share that enthusiasm for life whenever God provides another opportunity for service. We know several of our classmates who have experience severe suffering and loss of family members. There is no greater gift given to us in difficult times than to give the gift of becoming involved. The Nobles take that challenge seriously.

9. We wish all involved in the planning of the reunion a happy and successful event. God Bless!

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Betty (Nuesmeyer) Bergman
Spouse: Greg
City: Minster, OH
Address & Telephone: Available to classmates on request.
E-Mail Address: famlydoc@bright.net
Occupation: RN not working right now, stay at home Mom.
Children: Erin, 15, Emily, 10, Anthony, 7

Can it really be 25 yrs already? The past 5 have been interesting for us. When we bought our house 13 yrs ago it was and still is the perfect location, but the house was too small, so we gradually remodeled it by adding a laundry room and then dug out our basement an additional foot so Greg wouldn't have to duck. Then 5 yrs later we decided to put a second story onto the house. Well the contractor said we really needed to tear down and start over. So that's what we did. We tore everything down, except the laundry room and kept the floor intact, so we wouldn't ruin the basement. So to make a long story short, we lived in a mobile home for 9 months, in our backyard. That made it nice to be around for the contractors. In the summer the trailer was a toaster, and in the winter our above ground sewer line froze. Oh! What fun! That was from June of 94 to Feb of 95, just like giving birth after nine months. So when we finally did move in it was during a snow storm, try moving a 51" TV over frozen snow. It was worth it!!!

Last year we went to the Olympics in Atlanta. It was a wonderful experience. The down side was of course the bombing. Our kids had been playing at that site 2 days earlier.

Erin is heading into sophomore yr. She has a phone growing out of her ear, and occasionally consents to give some time on it. Emily is heading into the 5th grade, and already knows everything, so why bother trying to tell her anything. Anthony is going into the 2nd grade, and is all boy, playing cops and robbers, by making guns out of anything. They all keep us very busy with lots of activities. Greg is busy as usual. And is working every Friday at the OSU family practice residency in Columbus. For right now I'm a stay at home mom, just being available for the kids.

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Bill Nuesmeyer
Spouse: Anna Kay
City: St. Marys, OH
Address & Telephone: Available to classmates on request.
Occupation: Plumber & Pipe Fitter
Children: Bridget, 15, Mindy, 12

Vacation to Arizona & seeing the Grand Canyon. We had the opportunity to go to Atlanta in 1996 and view some of the Olympic events.

In 1997, I became an assistant girls softball coach for the high school varsity.

Its exciting to have a girl in her Sophomore year and even driving next year.

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Allen Nuss
City: St. Marys, OH
Address & Telephone: Available to classmates on request.
Occupation: Mechanic

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Jan (Osborne) Dircksen
City: Cridersville, OH
Address: Available to classmates on request.
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Kenny Patterson
City: St. Marys, OH
Address: Available to classmates on request.
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Carla Pohlman


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Betty (Powell) Westerheide
City: Minster, OH
Address: Available to classmates on request.
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Joanie (Prendergast) Frey
Spouse: James
City: St. Marys, OH
Address: Available to classmates on request.
E-Mail Address: n8ose@bright.net
Occupation: Vocal Music Instructor, Wapakoneta City Schools
Children: Thomas, 12 1/2.

The past five years? BUSY!

Professionally: I have continued working for Wapakoneta City Schools as Vocal Music Instructor aka Music Teacher, Choir Director, Hall Monitor, Recess Monitor, Bus Deputy policeperson ... During my 20 years with the system I have taught grades 1 - 12. (It's fun to be Most Popular! My boss calls it least senority.) I have spent most of my time recently as Choir Director in the middle school and high school. I had a great time performing with all of the choirs in school concerts, at contests, in recording session, on the radio and on television.

I plan to concentrate on elementary students in the coming year, begin a new part time career as choral adjudicator and spend much more time relaxing with my family.

Personal: My family consists of my I-don't-know-how-I-found-such-a-great-guy, husband, Jim, who works for JTDMH and my tremendously creative, one of the tip students in his class, son, Tom (12 1/2). Pepper, our siberian husky/wolf shares the yard with us. My parents are still on Linden Avenue and visit frequently. Designing and participating in the construction of our almost 3 year old home was the highlight of the past 5 years. Landscaping and finishing every little detail has not been fun. Why didn't someone tell me how much work it would be to landscape 5 acres? (I'm not as young as I used to be.) Hopefully the next five years will see the project totally completed. Is there anyone out there who likes to finish basements? When free time is available I plan to read, read, read and explore more of the Internet.

Best wishes for another wonderful 25 years!

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Kay Prock
Address: Unknown

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Steve Pruitt


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Linda (Puschel) Hoffman
City: Celina, OH
Address: Available to classmates on request.
E-Mail Address:

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Kathy (Quickle) Duncan
Spouse: Doug
City: St. Marys, OH
Address & Telephone: Available to classmates on request.
Occupation: Waitress
Children: Megan, 13, Zachary, 10.

Watching my kids in sports and doing their hobbies. Taking more computer classes.

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Mary (Rammel) Kogge
Spouse: Scott
City: St. Marys, OH
Address & Telephone: Available to classmates on request.
Occupation: Lab Technician
Children: Nate, 23, Jeff, 21, Jill, 18, Nan, 14, Jeanna, 12.

The past 5 years have been very much like all the previous years. Our activities are the same as the kids' activities. We moved to a different home two years ago. We both changed jobs in the last 5 years. We spend all the spare time we have with the kids.

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Willis Rehn
City: St. Marys, OH 45885
Address: Available to classmates on request.
E-Mail Address:

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Peg (Reier) Cross
City: St. Marys, OH
Address: Available to classmates on request.
E-Mail Address:

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Althea (Reier) Clugston
Address: P.O. Box 704, Syracuse, IN 46567
E-Mail Address:
Children: Heather, 22, Shawn, 19.
Stepchildren: Shane, 28, Brendan, 22.
Grandchildren: Typhani, 4.

John was married 19 years and I was married 15 years. John and I have been together, it will be, 8 years this fall. We have been married 6 years on April 13. Shane is in college at I.U. in Bloomington, IN. studying to be a lawyer. Brendan was at Embry Riddle Air. UNiv. in Daytona Beach for 3 years & is at Purdue in Lafayette, IN. now, studying to be a corporate pilot. They both plan to be married, but no wedding dates have been set because the girls are in college also & they all 4 want to finish college first. Heathe attended Ravenscroft Beauty College in Ft. Wayne & is now a nail tech & hairstylist. She just moved to Celina, OH this paest weekend & is applying for hair & nail positions in New Bremen, St. Marys, & Celina area. She has lived at home since she graduated high school & college. She owned her own salon in Syracuse, IN. Through my sister, Ellen, Heather met a guy from New Bremen several months ago & she decided to move to Ohio. They found a place in Celina. Heather has a daughter Typhani & we have her spoiled, she is our only grandchild. Her boyfriend John, works at the dairy in New Bremen, has a 7 year old daughter & is in college at this time in Lima. Shawn will be a senior this fall at West Noble High School & is talking about going to college for Electronics.

My husband John is from Cambridge City, IN. (down near Richmond) & also works at Dana Corp. in Syracuse. He loves to bass fish & I do crafts & paint ceramics & sew. We are remodeling now & I will be glad when it is done, my house will be clean & organized again.

John will be glad too because this is taking him away from his fishing. Mom & Dad still live at 430 N. Perry in St. Marys, they are both retired now & are able to come & go as they please. My brother Bernard lives in Alabama with his wife (Deb Kolhorst) & 3 children. Della married Declan Saintgnon. They have 3 children & live on Glynwood-Knoxville Rd. Ellen married Kevin Paul, they have 2 children & live on Shelby Rd. between New Knoxville & New Bremen. I'm no sure if we will be at the reunion, John has 2 bass fishing tournaments this weekend -- He belongs to 2 bass clubs. You are all welcome to call us, stop in, or write.

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Regina Reis
City: Mendon, OH
Address: Available to classmates on request.
E-Mail Address:

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Sandy (Rhodes) Brown
Spouse: Gary
City: Williamsburg, OH
Address & Telephone: Available to classmates on request.
Occupation: Homemaker
Children: Penny, 30, Kirsten, 17, William, 15.

Five years ago, we bought and paid cash for our new house.

On May 30th of this year, our daughter, Kirsten, graduated as the Salutatorian with Honors of Western Brown Senior High School.

Of course, with children, there are always many highlights and moments to be proud of them. These are the really big things that I can think of at this time.

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Doug Richhart
City: West Milton, OH
Address: Available to classmates on request.
E-Mail Address:

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Christine (Rothe) Ault
Address: Unknown
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Jackie (Rupert) Hays
Spouse: Steve
City: St. Marys, OH
Address & Telephone: Available to classmates on request.
Occupation: Receptionist @ Century 21 W.A.T. Realty, Lima, OH
Children: None

We enjoy taking mini-vacations, & long drives. We also enjoy spending as much time as possible w/family & friends & having my sister's 4 kids come & stay w/us & go do things w/them whenever we can (their ages are Joshua, 10 yrs, Jodie, 8 yrs, & twin boys Cody & Casey, 5 yrs).

I like to crochet, read, walk, & help Steve at the auctions he has. He's been a realtor for 14 yrs & became an auctioneer in 1993 & I cashier at his auctions, as well.

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