Officers & Meetings



Aerie Officers, 2006 / 2007 Year

bulletJr. Past Worthy President - Lowell Mack Jr.
bulletWorthy President - Andy Phipps
bulletVice President - Don Nagel
bulletChaplain - Toby Rion
bulletConductor - Eric Langsdon
bulletInside Guard - Chuck Fannon
bulletSecretary - Dave Sprague
bulletTreasurer - Wayne Lybarger
bullet1 Year Trustee - Tom Kellermeyer
bullet2 Year Trustee - Tony Toben
bullet3 Year Trustee - John Meyer
bulletAuditor - Leroy Nagel

Aerie Meetings

bullet1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month
bullet8:00 PM

Send mail to with questions or comments about this web site.
Last modified: 08/20/2006