Who is this guy?

Hi! My name is Steve, and I'm 40mumble years old :+) I'm a statistical anomaly-- "had to get" married at 18, and still happily married (25+ years to the same woman!), with 3 grown kids, and 2 grandkids, 2 and 4. The kids are doing moderately well, all things considered.

I'm the head maintenance guy in a local food processing plant. I also have a small tool/appliance repair shop in my home that's doing a dismal business, but only because I've been neglecting it in favor of a "real job".

Obviously, I have a technical background, mostly electronics, and I'm a decent general mechanic. My computer is a Pentium--not a Pentium 4, or even a III-- a Pentium-- 133MHz, running Windows for Workgroups 3.1! Why aren't I running (at least) Windows 95? Ask, and I'll tell you the whole sordid story...

I own my home, and 3 vehicles--well, me and the bank own my home, the van, the truck, and the car are mine! We live in one of "The Best 100 Small Towns in America" (honest!). As you'll see if you read my articles, my politics are strictly Libertarian: limited government, personal freedom, and personal responsibility.

Well, that's a good basic idea of who you're looking at. I like to talk to people from everywhere, so email me if you have something to say, or if you don't!

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