
The next part of my website deals with cannabis and the Drug War. Due to some of the recent actions of Congress, this section may have to be removed. "Just like that!", these several webpages will become unlawful speech. If you believe in freedom of speech, contact your Congressmen and let them know how they are not upholding their Oath of Office.

Here are two recent examples of our federal government's respect for our rights:

These 2 bills contain very similar language, making it a crime punishable by up to 10 years in federal prison to teach, demonstrate or distribute information on the manufacture or use of illegal drugs. NOTE: Not just methamphetamine, but illegal drugs. This is a direct attack on the 1st Amendment, and must be challenged. Folks, this is some scary stuff!

This bill also contains the same anti-drug provisions found in the above two bills. This is a not-so-direct attack. One might ask why anti-drug law would be written into a law about bankruptcy reform...

The anti-drug language was written by Senators Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) and Orrin Hatch (R-UT). Please use the resources below to contact your Congressmen and protest this unconscionable attack on the most basic of human rights, the right to free speech.

Visit the DRCNet Free Speech web page to send email or fax to your Congressmen. DRCNet will have help in finding who your Congressmen are. Or, most effective, call the Congressional switchboard at (202) 224-3121 and ask them to transfer you to the office of your Congressman.

Now, on to The Cannabis Pages!