By-Laws of Sidney Baptist Church
Sidney, Ohio
a. The qualification for pastor shall be consistent with those listed in the following scriptures.
1 Timothy 2: 1-7
Titus 1: 7-9
1 Corinthians 13: 4-8
Galatians 5: 22-26
Ephesians 4: 11-13
b. The pastor shall be called to his office for an indefinite period.
c. The pastor shall be a member of Sidney Baptist Church.
d. The pastor or associate pastor must be male and in no way condone homosexuality or
any alternative lifestyle as written by God's Holy Word (Lev 18: 22-23, Lev 20: 13, Rom 1:24-27).
e. The pastor must not engage in the promotion or use of alcohol, or any illegal substance.
f. The pastor must not be divorced or married to a divorcee.
g. The deacons and finance committee in conference with the pastor shall reach a working agreement
such as office hours, salary, insurance program, car allowance, retirement, vacation, time off,
housing allowance, etc., of which agreement will be presented in writing to the pastor
when notified of his call.
h. The pastor shall give the church a thirty-day notice before he leaves the pastorate.
i. The pastor shall secure evangelists for all revivals subject to the approval of the church.
j. When the pastor expects to be absent from the pulpit, he shall notify the deacons, and if
necessary, they shall assist him in securing a suitable pulpit supply, In the event of the
absence of the pastor by reason of serious illness or other emergencies, or in the event
of a vacancy in the office of pastor, the deacons shall secure a pulpit supply.
k. If practical the church shall send the pastor to the Southern Baptist Convention and the
state Convention each year.
l. The pastor shall have an annual two weeks vacation with pay. Additional vacation time on tenure
basis may be granted by action of the church.
a. The deacons must be male and in no way condone homosexuality or any alternative lifestyle
as written by God's Holy Word (Lev.18:22-23, Lev 20:13, Rom. 1:24-27).
b. The deacons must not engage in the promotion or use alcohol, or any illegal substance.
c. The deacons must not be divorced or married to a divorcee.
d. Before a man is ordained to the office of a deacon he shall be found worthy according to the
scriptures by an ordained council and approved by a majority vote of the church active members
present. (1 Tim. 3:8-13).
e. Deacons who have been previously ordained by a church of like faith and order and found worthy
after satisfactory investigation shall be approved by a majority vote of the church active
members present. (1Tim. 3:8-13).
f. The ordination of a deacon is for an indefinite time in so far as they are faithful in the
performance of their duties and attendance of the regular services of the church unless
providentially hindered.
g. Should an ordained deacon's behavior serve to bring discredit to the church or office of
deacon, the other deacons shall review his active status as a deacon. If after faithful
efforts to bring the member to repentance and amendment has failed, the deacons may
recommend to the church dismissal of the deacon from their membership. By a
majority vote of the active members present at a regular business meeting, they shall
be dismissed from the deacon membership.
h. The deacons shall determine their own organizational structure and meeting schedule
necessary to rendering the expected services to the church.
i. The chairman of the deacon fellowship shall assist the pastor and assistant pastor on the
overseeing of the ministry teams.
The governing of Sidney Baptist Church shall be through the active membership using a ministry
team concept. The ministry team council shall consist of the pastor, assistant pastor, one
representative from the deacons and one representative from each ministry team. Each ministry team that requires funding to operate will be assigned an annual operating budget from the finance team. All budgeted funds will be voted on at the annual membership meeting in August (eliminating the need for numerous requests during the year for each team project).
All ministry teams must present a monthly report of their activities. Also a financial report must be presented by all teams receiving budgeted funds and funds received from outside activities. The financial report must include all fund receipts and expenditures to date (this will help protect the church if audited by the IRS). All budgeted funds will be disbursed to the ministry teams as needed.
If a team has exhausted their annual budgeted funds, a request for more funds must be approved at the monthly membership meeting.
The pastor and associate pastor , with assistance of the deacons, will oversee all ministry teams of the church. The pastor and associate pastor shall have the right to be present at all ministry meetings and upon their request may appoint a deacon to serve in their place. The pastor, associate pastor or deacon, upon the request of the ministry team, will be available to assist when necessary, but will not perform the duties of the ministry team.
All ministry team leaders will be responsible for posting events on the calendar (to prevent conflicts of dates and use of the church building).
The ministry team council shall meet once a month to review each teams progress and needs. Each team will send one representative to the team council meeting. The ministry team council meeting will set the agenda for the monthly membership meeting. The current ministry teams and examples of some of their responsibilities are a follows and will be added to as determined necessary, by vote at monthly membership meetings.
a. Pastor and assistant pastor (all ministry teams overseeing).
b. Deacons (assist pastor, set up a working agreement with the pastor).
c. Nominating team (annual nominating of church team leaders and officers).
d. Trustees (church property, insurance, preventative maintenance, yard maintenance and snow
e. Finance (audit and budget).
f. Treasurer and assistant treasurer (receipts and disbursements, tither records, year end
receipts, bill payment and financial accounts).
g. Clerk (keep record of all church business meetings).
h. Music (choir and music events).
i. Usher (ensure adequate number of ushers, tally and secure funds).
j. Sunday School (Sunday school teachers and all material for Sunday school).
k. Youth (Wednesday evening programs, YEC, special youth events).
l. Kitchen (all meal functions of the church).
m. Bus ministry (schedule busses, drivers and escorts).
n. Nursery (co9ordijnate personnel and supplies).
o. W.M.U. (carry out mission of Woman's Missionary Union Organization).
p. Vacation Bible School (plan bible school per Southern Baptist Convention guidelines).
Additional ministry teams will be appointed as determined by the need of the church.
Section 3- Other Church Officers
Nominating Team:
a. The nominating team shall consist of the Sunday school leader, youth and children leader
and other selected active church members.
b. The pastor will oversee all nominated members before recommending them at the regular business
c. The nominating team shall recommend, at the annual business meeting in August, the team leaders
and officers for the forthcoming year, as provided for in this constitution.
Trustees and Trustee Team Leader:
a. Trustees will be faithful, active members in harmony with the constitution and holding highest
Christian ethics and integrity.
b. The number of trustees shall be three, with additional members added, as determined by the need
of the church.
c. The trustees shall be elected annually.
d. The trustee leader shall be responsible for the maintenance of the church, insurance coverage
and all inspections.
e. The trustee leader and trustees shall act as legal representative of the church in accordance
with the laws of the state. They shall hold in trust the property of the church and will act
as agents in the purchase or sale of real estate. They shall have no power to purchase, sell
mortgage, lease, transfer or obligate the church in any contract, unless and until they have
been so empowered by the vote of the church for the specific transaction. One member of their
own choosing shall represent them on the building and grounds committee.
f. The trustee leader shall keep the church informed of any financial transaction exceeding their
g. The trustees shall determine their own organizational structure and meeting schedule necessary
to rendering the expected services to the church.
Finance Team and Finance Team Leader:
a. The finance team shall consist of not less than three active members.
b. The finance team shall sit in consultation with the treasurer and church ministry teams in order
to plan and recommend a budget to the church. The finance team may recommend any additional
active church members to assist in this endeavor.
c. The finance team shall audit, quarterly, the books of the treasurer and the ministry teams
receiving budgeted funds and funds earned from outside activities.
a. The moderator shall be the pastor or a representative appointed by the pastor. In the absence
of the pastor and/or his appointed representative the chairman of the deacon fellowship shall
a. It shall be the duty of the treasurer and assistant treasurer to receive, preserve and pay out,
upon receipt of purchase orders, approved and signed by authorized personnel. The treasurer
shall keep, at all times, an itemized account of all receipts and disbursements or items of
value paid or given to the church.
b. It shall be the duty of the treasurer or assistant treasurer to tender to the church, at each
regular business meeting, an itemized report of the receipts, disbursements and indebtedness
of the church. Also, in August, a year-end report will be rendered to the church of all
receipts, disbursements and all assets and liabilities for the year.
c. The treasurer's report and records will be audited quarterly by the finance team.
d. The treasurer and assistant treasurer shall be bonded at the expense of the church.
e. The treasurer and assistant treasurer shall also be responsible for preparing and distributing
records of contributions to all contributing members, by January 31.
a. The clerk shall keep permanent minutes of business meeting proceedings and a record of the
names of the members, including those who join through the missions, with the dates of
admission, dismissal or death, together with a dismissal vote by the church.
b. The clerk shall be responsible for the annual report to the association.
Music Team Leader:
a. The music leader shall be responsible for maintaining and directing the music program of the
b. The music leader will supervise the various choirs, instruments and all congregational singing
as well as plan the special music program.
c. The music leader shall work under the guidance of the pastor.
Usher Team Leader:
a. The usher leader shall provide guidance and arrange adequate ushers for services as needed.
b. The usher leader shall tally the enrollment, attendance, offerings and tithes and display the
total on the sanctuary plaque.
c. The usher leader shall secure the funds received from offerings and tithes in the church safe
after the tally.
Sunday School Team Leader:
a. The Sunday school leader shall direct and administer the church's overall educational program.
To plan and organize each graded department according to Southern Baptist Convention guidelines
for Sunday school.
b. The Sunday school leader shall keep up to date on educational literature and shall recommend
or suggest activities that are appropriate for the various age groups.
c. The Sunday school leader shall maintain records of accomplishments of participants.
d. The work of the Sunday school leader shall be under the guidance of the pastor.
Wednesday Night Team Leader:
a. The Wednesday night leader shall direct and administer the church Wednesday night educational
program. To plan and organize each graded department according to Southern Baptist Convention
Guidelines for Sunday school.
b. The Wednesday night leader shall
keep up to date on educational literature and shall recommend
or suggest activities that are appropriate for the various age groups.
c. The Wednesday night leader shall maintain records of accomplishments of participants.
d. The work of the Sunday school leader shall be under the guidance of the pastor.
Youth and Children Team Leader:
a. The youth team leader shall be responsible for YEC, and all youth activities.
b. The youth and children leader shall keep up to date on educational literature and shall
recommend or suggest activities that are appropriate for the various age groups.
c. The youth and children leader shall maintain records of accomplishments of participants.
d. The work of the youth and children leader shall be under the guidance of the pastor.
Kitchen Team Leader:
a. The kitchen leader shall provide guidance and arrange adequate kitchen members for services
as needed.
b. The kitchen leader shall maintain adequate equipment, supplies and scheduling to complete all
meal functions of the church.
Bus Team Leader:
a. The bus leader shall provide guidance and arrange adequate (approved by insurance) drivers and
escorts for services needed.
b. The bus leader shall schedule adequate busses to complete all required transportation functions
of the church.
c. The bus team leader shall monitor all transportation requirements including cell phone request
and arrange bus routes accordingly.
d. The pastor must approve all drivers and escorts.
Nursery Team Leader:
a. The nursery leader shall provide guidance and arrange adequate nursery members for services as
b. The nursery leader shall maintain adequate equipment and supplies to complete all nursery
functions of the church.
W.M.U. Team Leader:
a. The W.M.U. leader is responsible to the church for planning, conducting and evaluating the work of
the Woman's Missionary Union.
b The W.M.U. leader will work with the pastor and other W.M.U. officers and leaders to carry out
their mission according to the guidelines and constitution of the Woman's Missionary Union
Vacation Bible School Team Leader:
a. The vacation bible school leader shall plan and organize each graded department according to the
Southern Baptist Convention guidelines for vacation bible school.
b. The vacation bible school leader shall keep up to date on educational literature and shall
recommend or suggest activities for the various age groups.
c. The vacation bible school leader shall maintain records of accomplishments of participants.
d. The work of the vacation bible school leader shall be under the guidance of the pastor.
This constitution shall be considered adopted and in effect upon affirmative vote by two-thirds of the church active members present at a regular business meeting. The vote shall be taken not less than thirty days after its presentation to the church. The adoption of this constitution shall repeal any existing governance document, which is in conflict with it.
This constitution shall be reviewed at least every five years for needed changes. Changes in this constitution may be made at any regular business meeting, provided such amendments shall have been presented to the church in writing at least thirty days in advance, with copies furnished to each active member present. Amendments to the constitution require an affirmative vote by two-thirds of the church active members present.
This Constitution is adopted and effective by unanimous vote of active members present in the regular business meeting November 17, 2007.