With the firm conviction that we are saved by the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, we declare and establish this constitution and by-laws to preserve and secure the principles of our faith and to insure that this body will be governed in an orderly manner consistent with the accepted tenets (principles held as true by an organization) of the Southern Baptist Convention.  The constitution is intended to preserve the liberties of each individual member of this church, to insure the freedom of the action of this body in it's relation to other churches, and to guarantee the freedom of this body to govern itself.  (1 Cor. 14:40)

                                               ARTICLE 1-NAME


The name of this church shall be Sidney Baptist Church of Sidney, Ohio.  It shall be an incorporated body for non-profit in the state of Ohio.


                                              ARTICLE 2- PURPOSE


1.  To pattern this church after New Testament principles with the Holy Scriptures as sole authority.         


2. To promote and advance Christ Kingdom throughout the earth by teaching, living and preaching of the gospel.


3.  To study and practice the Christ-life as revealed and taught in the scriptures.     


4.  To maintain the worship of God and create an attitude of reverence in the Lord's house.


                                       ARTICLE 3- STATEMENT OF  FAITH


This Church subscribes to the doctrinal statement of the Baptist Faith and Message as adopted by the Southern Baptist Convention in June 14, 2000 and is made part hereof as attached.  (See page 13).   



                                          ARTICLE 5- CHARACTER


This is an autonomous (self-governing) Baptist Church under the Lordship of Jesus Christ.;  The government of this Church is vested in the body of believers who compose it.  It is not subject to the control of any other ecclesiastical body, but it recognizes and sustains the privileges and obligations of mutual counsel and cooperation which are common among Southern Baptist Churches.  In so far as is practical, this church will affiliate with, cooperate with, and support the West Central Association and State Convention and be affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention.


                                               ARTICLE 6- CHARACTER


The ordinances shall be BAPTISM and the LORD'S SUPPER


Section 1 BAPTISM


      a.  Public profession of repentance and faith in Christ shall

               precede baptism.

      b.  Christian baptism is the immersion of a believer in water

               in the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit.  It is an

               act of obedience symbolizing the believer's faith in a

               crucified, buried, and risen Savior, the believer's death

               to sin, the burial of the old life and the resurrection to walk

               in newness of life in Christ Jesus.  It is a testimony to his

               faith in the final resurrection of the dead.

      c.  The pastor and/or the deacons , under the authority of the

               church, shall administer baptism.

      d.  The ordinance of Baptism is a prerequisite to the privileges

               of church membership.

      e.  Baptism shall be a testimony of one's desire to be a part of

               the  fellowship of this local church and it's faith and practice.


Section 2- The Lord's  Supper


     a.  Believers, of like faith and order, in harmony with the local

               church, may participate in the Lord's Supper (1Cor.11:17-34)

      b.  The Lord's Supper is a symbolic act of obedience, memorializing

               the death of the Redeemer, and anticipating His

               second coming by partaking of the bread and fruit of the


      c.  The Lord's Supper shall be administered by the pastor and/

               or the deacons and observed at least once a quarter year.


      d.  A statement and explanation of ordinances shall be made

          prior to each service for the purpose of self-examination.


                                           Article 7-Membership

Section 1 qualifications:  The membership of this church shall consist of members who have been and shall be received upon vote of the church as follows:

    a.  By a public profession of faith in Jesus

        Christ as Savior and Lord and scriptural

        baptism upon authority of this church.*

    b.  By letter from a church of like faith and

        order which verifies public profession of

        faith in Christ and practices scriptural




              *Scriptural Baptism involves:

                 1.  A scriptural candidate-a person who has had a genuine experience of salvation

                 2.  A scriptural mode-immersion.

                 3.  A scriptural purpose-upon confession of saving faith in Jesus Christ,

                       identifying with Christ and his church.

                 4.  A scriptural administrator-a church whose beliefs and practices are in harmony

                       and doctrines as expressed in the Baptist Faith and Message, including the

                       belief that genuine salvation is an eternal standing that can never be lost.


    c.  By restoration (in case of previous exclusion from this church) upon confession of error

        and satisfactory evidence or repentance.

    d.  By statement of Christian experience and baptism by immersion in another church of like faith and order.


Section 2.  Responsibilities:  It shall be the responsibility of members of the church to attend its regular meetings;

to cultivate personal holiness and family devotions; to sustain the public worship Almighty God and the ordinances of

the Gospel; to contribute to the necessary expenditures of the church, the spread of the Gospel to all nations, to the                          relief of the poor, and to watch over and counsel on another in the spirit of brotherly love, to strive for the growth

of the whole body in Christian knowledge and holiness and to govern their actions, conversations, and hearts by the precepts of God's word.


Section 3- Rights and Privileges: All members upon the floor of the body have equal rights, and are entitled to equal privileges and consideration from all officers and other members.


Section 4 Discipline: When a member becomes an offense to the body of Christ and his Church by any persistent breach of their covenant vows or by advocating doctrines out of harmony with those held by the church, the church may terminate their membership.  This can only be done after faithful efforts have been made to bring such member to repentance and amendment (according to Matthew 18:15-17; 1 Cor 5:9-13,

and 1 Thess. 5: 12-14).  If this does not succeed both delinquent member and the church shall be given thirty days written notice that their dismissal shall be recommended.  At the end of this period, by a majority vote of the active members present at a regular business meeting, they shall be dismissed from the church membership.


Section 5-Termination of Church Membership: The following rules shall govern the termination of membership.

    a.  Transfer of a membership status letter to a church of like faith and order upon request.

    b.  Any member who has made a change of faith shall be removed from the church roll by erasure.

        Such action is to be confirmed by action of the church in regular business meeting.

    c.  By exclusion because of church discipline.  (see section 4).

    d.  By request.


Section 6- Non-resident membership: An inactive non-resident member will consist of those who have moved from the community, are no longer active in the work of the church, and have not transferred their membership within three months after moving.  The inactive non-resident membership roll automatically forfeits its members privileges of voting until giving evidence of faithful church membership as outlined in Article 7, Section 2.


Section 7- Resident-inactive Membership: An inactive resident member will consist of those who have not attended any regular services unless providentially hindered in the last three months.  Those on this roll automatically forfeit their privileges of voting until giving evidence of faithful church membership as outlined in Article 7, Section 2.  The inactive resident member will be restored to active upon consecutively attending any regular services for the last three months.


Section 8-Restoration of Membership: Members who have been previously excluded from this church by church discipline may be restored upon confession of error and satisfactory evidence or repentance.