, The Angels rejoiced when Jesus came home,
Heaven wasn't the same while He was gone.
He went on a mission, carrying Grace,
That with belief, He could save the human race.
The main reason that He went, ,
To tell man he should repent.
Believe in the Father and the Son,
Live by faith for a Heavenly mansion.
God sent the Holy Spirit in His place,
Man will not crucify or spit in its face.
Unseen, unheard, but always around,
Man will not abuse it or chase it down.
God did all he could do,
He sent His Son for me and you.
God said this is the way it will be,
If they believe in You they can come to Me.
Allen Huddleston
The great Deceiver smiled today!
Another poor soul chose his way,
Without reason or thought,
The easy way he sought.
With a little ignorance and temper,
Surely, he would be a man to remember.
When these systems didn't win,
He only saw a bad day again.
As he stumbled from disaster to disaster,
He rejected the words of his True Master.
The Father said to use peace and understanding,
Don't be overbearing and demanding.
We can only pray, he might see,
The sum of his life is pain and misery.
If he does, he will change his ways,
So he might start to enjoy better days.
By Faith, Grace is received,
By Repentance, Forgiveness is granted, indeed.
The Great Deceiver is restrained,
A place in Heaven, he has gained!
Allen Huddleston
The Y's In The Road Of Life
God is Love, Jesus is knowledge and light, for man,
God sent Jesus with Salvation, and to complete his plan,
God, help us to not lose sight of you,
When we meet our Y in the road, let us be true!
Thank you God, for the Light you Sent,
Before Jesus, Darkness and shadows, everywhere we went,
You sent Jesus to light the way,
When we meet the Y's in life's road everyday.
Everyday, many choices we have to make,
Jesus lights the road we should take,
Light brings joy and happiness to the Soul,
In darkness are shadows, we stumble and miss God's goal.
When we follow the light, we follow God,
We won't even give Satan a nod,
So, when you come to a Y in your life adventures,
Light sets you free, darkness indentures.
Allen Huddleston per Wanda Huddleston's Insight 1-22-2011
Stairway To Heaven
In the very early days of old,
God's people were proud, defiant and bold.
A tower to Heaven they began to make ,
A desire to equal God, was their mistake.
God looked down, He was not pleased,
They will speak with different tongues, they can not agree.
This way to Heaven is not my plan,
The only way to Heaven, will be through a man.
This man, Jesus, will be my seed,
Belief in Jesus is all man will need.
Then, different tongues will agree,
That through Him, Heaven they all can see.
Jesus will be my stairway,
Different steps lead to that great day.
The first step is Faith that Jesus, my son, was a man,
Crucified and resurrected, to complete my plan.
These are steps to guide and help you,
Man's Faith leads to Virtue,
Virtue gains Knowledge to help on your way,
Knowledge leads to Temperance, self-restraint everyday.
Temperance promotes Patience, in all things,
Patience leads to Godliness, to be more like the king.
Godliness open your heart to Brotherly Kindness,
Brotherly Kindness reveals Charity, and forgiveness.
Jesus said to treat your brother, as you do me,
Use these steps to grow your
faith, and you shall see.
This plan was made in heaven, for us to receive,
False Prophets tell us different, Satan does deceive.
My Son carried Salvation and Grace,
To offer redemption to the human race.
I could not find a human pure and true,
So, I sent part of me to you.
Before the foundation of earth, it was our plan,
Man gets to Heaven through Jesus, a man.
The plan completed by my son, will never be diminished,
When on the cross, He said, "It is finished".
Allen Huddleston January 28, 2011