Botkinland ~ Family, hometown, cyber-novel, cynics' clinic, duck race, MHS Class of 72, links, music. And stuff.

Presents, For No Particular Reason:

An Incomplete List of Stuff

updated December 1, 1997

Tired of beating yourself up for nothing, kid?

Itchy & Scratchy, in a horribly violent display undoubtedly calculated to affect impressionable children in the worst imaginable way.

But of course you are.

So you might as well surf through some Botkinland favorite stuff
and feel repressed, if not completely disheveled!

Don't cost nothin'.

I drink only 2 kinds of beer: Cold, and Free
When I'm buying...

Hey Earl!Wha's up?
All-time favorite video game!

No Poofters, Bruce! It's Monty Python's ........................................................... Flying Circus andanightoutwiththeneighbors-oooooooooooooah!

Woof-Woof-Woof! The Cleveland Browns.

The website for right thinkers...
Town Hall

I'm a coach in
Another season in the can.
Little League Baseball.

Welcome to Springfield... wait a minute - wasn't some soap opera set in Springfield once?The best-written and best-acted societal mirror of all time.Homer is my #1 hero, even ahead of Earl.

Favorite magazine.Stay abreast of The Continuing Crisis.

Not for long-haired maggot-infested dope-smoking FM types.
Favorite Nooses
(perhaps it's neese?).

Where the #*<& is Waldo? Take the 90s' MENSA test.

Dilbert may be #3... although Drew Carey's gotta be in there somewhere.
Favorite office worker.

Cool site - you need Shockwave, though.
Favorite pop (OK - so I'm from the midwest).

He sees you when you're sleeping...
Send cultural icon Mr Greg your wish list.

Favorite endangered species, Nicotiana dromedarius. Health nazi victim

What're you missing right now on the tube? TV Guide online Register for free!

Aaaaaugh! Run! It's EEEEEEeeeeevilllll!
Least favorite corporate spokes-wad.

Creepy Guy Mr. K and his minion.
A close second.

msNBC's cybercreep Dev Null.
A virtual tie.


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More, later...


Now Playing:
"Yackety Sax" - Boots Randolf
a.k.a. Love Theme from "The Benny Hill Show"

If you're not dancing, too (no music), download new screen Crescendo!
If you use a Java-enabled browser, download new screen Beatnik

Thanks for surfin' through Visit Botkinland
