Presents, For No Particular Reason:
But of course you are.
So you might as well surf through some Botkinland favorite stuff
and feel repressed, if not completely disheveled!
Don't cost nothin'.
The website for right thinkers...
I'm a coach in
Little League Baseball.
The best-written and best-acted societal mirror of all time.
Favorite Nooses (perhaps it's neese?).
Favorite pop (OK - so I'm from the midwest).
Send cultural icon Mr Greg your wish list.
Favorite endangered species, Nicotiana dromedarius.
What're you missing right now on the tube? Register for free!
Least favorite corporate spokes-wad.
A close second.
More, later...
If you're not dancing, too (no music), download Crescendo!
If you use a Java-enabled browser, download Beatnik