Method #1:
- Select the file to be moved or copied by clicking on it once to
highlight it.
- To copy the file, hold down the CTRL key while tapping the C
key (CTRL + C is the shortcut copy command).
To move the file, hold down the CTRL key while tapping the X key (CTRL
+ X is the shortcut cut command).
- Select the location where the file will be moved or copied by
clicking on the folder or drive to highlight it.
- To paste the file into its new location, hold down the CTRL
key while tapping the V key.
(CTRL + V is the shorcut paste command).
Method #2:
- Have the file that is going to be moved or copied visible in the
right side of the Windows Explorer window.
- Have the drive or folder where the file will be copied to visible in
the left side of Windows Explorer.
- Right click on the file to be moved and drag it over to the drive or
folder where you want it to be placed.
- Release the mouse button and a popup menu will appear asking you if
you want to Copy, Move, or Cancel the action. Click on the option
of your choice.
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Tutorial #2
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This page was last updated Sunday, 02-Jan-00
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