Method #1:

  1. Select the file to be moved or copied by clicking on it once to highlight it.
  2. To copy the file, hold down the CTRL key while tapping the C key (CTRL + C is the shortcut copy command).
    To move the file, hold down the CTRL key while tapping the X key (CTRL + X is the shortcut cut command).
  3. Select the location where the file will be moved or copied by clicking on the folder or drive to highlight it.
  4. To paste the file into its new location, hold down the CTRL key while tapping the V key.
    (CTRL + V is the shorcut paste command).

Method #2:

  1. Have the file that is going to be moved or copied visible in the right side of the Windows Explorer window.
  2. Have the drive or folder where the file will be copied to visible in the left side of Windows Explorer.
  3. Right click on the file to be moved and drag it over to the drive or folder where you want it to be placed.
  4. Release the mouse button and a popup menu will appear asking you if you want to Copy, Move, or Cancel the action.  Click on the option of your choice.

Image of a left pointing arrow. Back to Windows Tutorial #2

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This page was last updated Sunday, 02-Jan-00
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