Three words of advice about downloading files:

  1. Virus check any files that are put on your computer. 
    Be sure to have good virus protection software running on your computer before downloading.  Make sure any files loaded on your computer are free from viruses before running them.
  1. Be sure your hard drive has enough space for any new programs.
    To check the amount of available space on your hard drive, do the following:
    -  Double click the My Computer icon.
    -  Right click on the C: drive and select the Properties option.
    -  On the General tab section there is information on how much space
       is free  and how much space is used up.
  1. Check the licensing agreement for any downloaded software.
    There are three basic types of downloadable programs:  freeware, shareware, and demos.  You may use freeware on any compatible computer without a fee.  Shareware programs may be used to try out the program for a limited period of time, then a registration fee is required if you decide to continue using it.  Demo programs are scaled-down versions of a program.  You can use them as much as you want, but will need to pay for the full version of the program.


There are 3 basic steps in this process:
1.  Download the file to your computer.
2.  Unzip or decompress the file.
3.  Run the setup or installation (if it doesn't do it automatically during the unzip process).

STEP 1 - Download the file to your computer

STEP 2 -Unzip (decompress) the file

STEP 3 - Setup the program