The Lima Sabres Shooting Association, Inc., purpose shall be to promote, develop, and encourage marksmanship with rifle, revolver, pistol, and shotgun among the citizens of our State, and particularly among our youth and those of our citizens who are of military age; to train and qualify as expert marksmen those who may be called upon to serve our country in the time of emergency; to promote, develop and encourage competition in marksmanship between individuals, teams, and all other organization interested therein; to promote and encourage legislation for the establishment and maintenance of suitable range; to secure the issuance of arms, ammunition and other equipment for practice of marksmanship, not only as a clean and wholesome sport, but also as a very necessary, essential and vital means of national defense.


I offer a MPPC (Modified Practical Pistol Competition) course to help individuals learn how to properly use their firearm, and to prepare them for other forms of firearm competition.

Please click on the following to understand the rules:

            Production C0MPETITION           Unlimited COMPETITION