For your convenience, we have included two types of pdf
For these pdf files, you will need the Adobe Reader
Get it here:
Using the normal pdf file:
- Download the file
- Print the file
- Fill it out by hand
- Sign the application/re-application
- Mail it to your Loan Administrator
Using the pdf Form file:
- Download the file
- Open the file
- Fill out the necessary cells
- Save the file
- Print the file
- Sign the application/re-application
- Mail it to your Loan Administrator
* * Digital and fax submissions are not valid
as we require the applicant's original
signature! * * * |
Here are some Special
Instructions for the following ------->
The Application for the 2025-2026
school year.
---Due to your administrator by March 31, 2025
normal pdf: |
pdf Form:  |
The Re-Application for the 2025-2026
school year.
---Due to your administrator by May 15, 2025
normal pdf: |
pdf Form:  |
The Budget Worksheet:
normal pdf: |
pdf Form:

Did you consider including these in
your budget? Feel free to make
suggestions to this list. |
Consider These |
- You don't know what the FAFSA document "Your Financial
Aid History Information" looks like? Look here for an example.
FAFSA deadlines
- Ball
- Priority filing deadline is March 10.
- Scholarship Opportunities available online Oct 1.
- Students are encouraged to have it submitted by
January 15 to be considered for maximum aid
- Cincinnati
- You should complete your application soon after
October 1.
- Early applications, by Dec. 1, receive priority
- Dayton
- The FAFSA needs to be filled out annually and should
be completed early. Early action deadline is
Nov. 1.
- Ohio
Northern University
- You are not required to submit the FAFSA, but ONU
strongly encourages that you do so. ONU does not have
a FAFSA-submission deadline, but we recommend that you
file by the end of March.
- Ohio
- File by early January to meet Ohio University's
first-priority consideration date of Jan 15.
- Ohio
- Toledo
- The priority deadline for UT to receive your
processed FAFSA is February 1.
- Wright
- The Wright State priority filing deadline date for
FAFSA is Jan 8.
Need help finding your Financial Aid Award
Please let us know if you have any problems with this
web site. 