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(Official DUCK
RACE website)
Your humble servant Christopher Botkin, at your service. 
Botkinland was last
on March 29, 1998.
Enjoy your visit...
The Botkins; Ben, Nic, Jenni, myself - and the ghosts of Botkins past.
My home town, St. Marys, Ohio.
- The original St. Marys email Directory!
Now post your St. Marys messages on the SPAM-Board!
The MHS class of 1972 cyber-reunion.
Class Reunion Photo!Check here for '97 Roughrider Football!
Biased Weekly Updates
(Game Photos by Andrews Photography)
Favorite (and least favorite) stuff, featuring the world's worst known background.
All the
in a boring list.
... and the Second-Greatest Spectacle in Racing: 
- the 5th Annual K.C. Geiger Park St. Marys SummerFest DUCK RACE.
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e me!
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