and you can recycle too.
Wapakoneta, Ohio has reduced its garbage dramatically by implementing an aggressive but voluntary municipal curbside pick-up recycling program. Designed and promoted by the city's Waste Minimization Committee, the program has 97% participation. The concept is simple- garbage and recycling are handled on the same weekly schedule. Residents are charged $6 per month for garbage service. Mixed non-recyclables are collected in 30 gallon bags costing the resident $1 each or in 15 gallon bags at 50 cents. Recyclables are collected at no additional charge in boxes provided. The more the resident recycles- the cheaper the service.
Markets are maintained by the Auglaize County Solid Waste District. Sorting at the Wapakoneta "drive-thru" recycling center is accomplished by volunteer groups who keep whatever revenues are generated by the materials they sort. Because revenues are routinely around $400 for 4 hours' work Saturday morning, there is usually a long queue. Volunteers learn first-hand about the 'finer points' of recycling and become experts at what to keep and what to toss.
The following items are also diverted from the landfill:
COMPOSTABLES are composted in Waste Minimization Committee subsidized backyard composters or accepted along with brush, limbs and fire wood at the city farm on Water Street.
In 2001, you reached a 34% recycling rate, Wapakoneta!
Aluminum | 50,571 | $21,496.53 | 12,128 | $5,134.97 |
Bi-Metal | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Tin Cans | 65,673 | 656.73 | 20,283 | 235.60 |
Clear Glass | 64,026 | 512.21 | 98,800 | 790.40 |
Green Glass |
0 | 0 | 26,757 | 0 |
Brown Glass | 67,788 | 541.58 | 97,391 | 779.12 |
PETE Plastic (2 liter) | 714 | 49.98 | 45,041 | 5,257.76 |
HDPE Plastic (Milk) | 595 | 71.40 | 34,223 | 4,276.68 |
HDPE Plastic (Color) | 392 | 27.44 | 25,744 | 1,930.04 |
Scrap Aluminum | 0 | 0.00 | 861 | 17.22 |
Cardboard | 819,278 | 12,999.52 | 0 | 0.00 |
Newspaper | 1,680,116 | 4,251.20 | 0 | 6,447.19 |
TOTAL | $40,606.59 | $24,868.98 |
Amount generated by selling recyclables: $65,475.57
Amount Wapakoneta saved by not landfilling the above recyclables: $57,416.40
Total trash hauled to be landfilled: 3914.62 tons
Cost of landfilling what was not diverted for recycling: (@$36.90/ton) $144,449.48
Total Recycled Material: 1524 tons in 2001!
Total commercial and residential refuse collected: 3,917 tons
Wapakoneta sold 950 cases of white and red garbage bags in 2001.
Approximately 3,400 gallons of used motor oil was collected on Saturday drop-off.
Wapakoneta has 3,836 (average) residential refuse pick-up customers per week.
Wapakoneta has 208 commercial refuse pick-up customers per week.
Wapakoneta Recycles Hot Line: dial RE-USERS
Marlene Froning: Ohio's Recycling Volunteer of the Year 1999!
this page prepared by Steve Schuler last updated April 24 2002