Wright State University - Lake Campus
Instructor:  Garman

    100% - 94%     A
     93% -  84%     B
     83% -  74%     C
     73% -  64%     D
     Below  64%     F
Lab Assignments        40%
Tests/Quizzes             15%
Observation Report      5%
Research Paper          10%
Summary Reports       15%
Lesson Plans                 5%
Software Evaluation      5%
Final Exam                    5%
Total                         100%


  1. Laboratory Assignments - There will be six lab assignments.  The following areas will be covered:  Windows 95, the Internet, Hypermedia (using Power Point), Database (using Access), Graphics, and Spreadsheets (using Excel).
  1. Tests/quizzes will be given as announced in class and will consist of true/false, multiple-choice, essay-type questions, and practical applications of computer skills.
  1. Site Visitation Report - For this project you are to visit a classroom or computer lab where students are using technology as an integrated part of the curriculum.
  1. Research Paper - To learn more about computers in the classroom, you are to select a current topic or trend related to educational technology and then complete a research paper on the topic.  Please obtain approval from the instructor regarding the topic.  Use a minimum of five credible resources for your paper.   You may arrange the paper in an acceptable style, although APA is the most commonly used format.
  1. Summary Reports - Summaries of articles pertaining to educational technology will be submitted according to the course calendar.   Word process the summary and then submit it to the EDT280 shared folder (or submit a hard copy).  Please follow the sample handout
  1. Lesson Plans - Write a lesson plan integrating technology as a part of curriculum unit or topic.
  1. Software Evaluations - Evaluate various software packages that apply to a desired grade level or subject area.
Class Calendar Grading Method Resources Instructor Tech Certification