Wright State University - Lake Campus
Instructor:  Garman

Professional educators must be effective users of information technology both inside and outside the classroom environment.  National professional standards require that all candidates seeking initial certification or endorsements in teacher preparation programs should receive training and instruction to enable them to demonstrate:

  1. correct operation of varied computer and video systems
  2. evaluation and use of computers and related technologies to support the instructional process
  3. application of current instructional principles, research, and appropriate assessment practices to the use of computers and related technologies
  4. evaluation and use of computer/technology-based materials
  5. knowledge of uses of computers/technologies for problem-solving, data collection, information management, communications, presentations, and decision-making
  6. design and development of student learning activities that integrate computing and technology for a variety of student grouping strategies and for diverse populations
  7. evaluation,selection, and integration of computer/technology-based instruction in the curriculum of one's subject area(s) and /or grade levels
  8. knowledge of uses of multimedia, hypermedia, and telecommunication in the support of instruction
  9. skill in using productivity tools for professional and personal use, including word processing, database, spreadsheet, and print/graphic utilities
  10. knowledge of equity, ethical, legal, and human issues of computing and technology use as they relate to society and model appropriate behaviors
Class Calendar Grading Method Resources Instructor Tech Certification