Windows 95 Tutorial #1

Windows 95 is an operating system. Its main purpose is to help you manage your computer hardware and software.  Through an operating system you can 1) create, copy, move, rename, and delete files, 2) install new programs or devices, and 3) change system settings. Windows 95/98 makes all these tasks much easier for PCs than previous operating systems because it has a graphical look to the system.  Let's take at look at some of the common features of Windows 95.


This is the main "window" of you computer. All items available on your computer are located at this screen.

  1. The small pictures located on the desktop are called ICONS.   They represent a program on the computer.  The image on the right shows four common icons that you might find on a desktop. When you double-click an icon, it will open up that program.
    • What is the purpose of the My Computer icon? Double-click it for a clue.
    • To close a window or program, click the Close button (the black X in the top right-hand corner). Close the My Computer window.
    • What is the purpose of the Recycle Bin? Double-click it to check it out. Close the window when you are finished.
Image of several desktop icons
  1. At the bottom of the screen you will find the taskbar (it may also be located at the top or sides of the screen). At the right side of the taskbar is the time and date and at the left is the Start button. The middle section of the taskbar will show a button for every program that is open. Look at the example below.

Click the taskbar for the answers to the above questions.

  1. The color or pattern of the desktop is called the background. The picture or pictures on the desktop is the wallpaper. A screensaver is a moving display that will appear if you don’t use your computer for a set amount of time. These items are referred to as the desktop’s properties. Change desktop properties by
  2. RIGHT clicking somewhere in the open space of the desktop. Select Properties from the pop-up menu. Change the items as necessary.

  1. On the left side of the taskbar you will find a button called START. Click this button and a menu should pop up similar to the one at the right. The first seven buttons are described below.

Shut Down: Select when you are ready to turn off the machine.

Run: run programs by typing in the path here.

Help: don’t hesitate to use the Help tutorials when you have questions

Find: find a file when you can’t remember where you put it

Settings: change desktop properties; add/remove programs; change printer settings; sound controls; many more features

Documents: approximately the last 15 documents used

Programs: Sift through pop-up menus to find the program you want.  This is one of the most common ways to activiate a program.  Simple click the Start button, go to Programs and then select the program you would like to open.

Image of the Start button options


Many programs that use the Windows 95 operating system have some common features that you should know.

  1. Open a program like Microsoft Word.  The top of the screen should look something like the image. Some common features of all programs are listed below.

toolbar.gif (5265 bytes)

  1. Title Bar: This is the top bar of the window (the blue bar).  Almost all programs will show the name of the program and the file name of the document on the right side of this bar.  On the left side of the bar are three little buttons.  The first button is the minimize button.   It will "shrink" the program down to the taskbar.  The middle button is either the maximize button or the restore button.  The maximize button blows the window up to take up the full screen.  The restore button restores the window to its original shape.  And last, the close button will close the program or file.  If the file hasn't been saved, a little screen will pop up letting you know about it.

  2. Menu Bar:  The second bar on the screen above is called the Menu Bar.  Various menus will be listed depending upon the program you are using.  Most of them will have a menu called File.   To see the options available on the menu, just click on the word and box will drop down with choices that you can select.

  3. Toolbar:  Most programs have at least one toolbar.  Again, the buttons on the toolbar will depend upon the program being used.  Most programs will have a Save button and a Print button. If your computer has the tooltips option enabled, all you have to do is move your mouse over a button (don't click) and a little popup will tell you what the button does.


If you use a particular program quite frequently, it might be easier to have an icon (shortcut), on the desktop instead of having to sift through the START menu items all the time. There are several ways to create a shortcut icon. No matter which way you choose, the trick is to know where the file is located. (Knowing how to find where files are located will be much easier after the lesson on file managment - Tutorial #2).

  1. Right click on an open space on the desktop.
  2. Highlight the menu option New.
  3. Click the Shortcut option.
  4. At this point you can either type the path to the file in the Command Line or browse to find it. I suggest using the Browse button.
  5. Click Next once you have located the file and the command line is filled in
  6. Enter the name for the shortcut icon and click Finish.

Click here to see how to make a shortcut icon to the Paintbrush program.

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This page was last updated on 02-Jan-00.
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